Q:  Do I have to believe I've lived before to book a session with you?  

A:  No 

This therapeutic technique accesses information stored in your unconscious, to help you live life in the present. 

Think of your laptop. There is coding, that you don't see, sending information throughout the network. We think this program is real - how we think and feel - but it's really part of a belief system that has been programmed into us. Past-life therapy is a tool that helps the client release and reprogram belief systems that no longer help us in our present life. 

Under the age of six, we have no filters and simply accept whatever we're told. This can create self-esteem issues or unconscious blocks in our psyche. On the plus side, as we realize we do have the power to change our perspective, we also have more access to transformation than we imagined in our wildest dreams. 

Past-life therapy clears out old stories and beliefs that are preventing us from living our life in the now.  

As a past-life therapist, I use the framework of past-lives: accessing imprints and experiences embedded in the unconscious, to help you transform your life today. Past-lives are a story.  As in all stories, there are many characters. Shakespeare said:  "All the world's a stage..."  But are you the leading player in your own life? 

Clients may seek me out to clear phobias, such as fear of water, fear of heights or even procrastination. When the underlying cause or conflict is released, the client is able to make new decisions that are supportive and empowering rather than be at the mercy of unconscious patterns.  

People are searching for answers,  Clients may have big questions, such as:  

Why am I here?    
What is my soul plan?  
Do I know my partner from a past-life? 

These answers are not found in the realm of the personality. If they were, you would already have the answer! The answers are found in the realm of the soul. 

The energy we're now accessing on the planet is multidimensional awareness.
Wouldn't you like to just know the answer - no more guessing.  This is what happens when our personality self is lined up with our soul. 

Theresa Pugh:  Who Am I? 

I have over 15-years experience working with clinical hypnosis. I trained in Canada with the Canadian Hypnosis Association before earning my M.Sc. degree in Consciousness & Transpersonal Psychology at Liverpool John Moores University in 2007. I studied Deep Memory Process with Dr. Roger Woolger, author of "Other Lives, Other Selves", and sat on the board of the International Association for Regression Research and Therapies. In 2019, I received my PhD in Transpersonal Psychology through the University of Sedona. 

​​​My past-life therapy sessions are one hour each. My rate is $125 Canadian or 100 sterling for my UK clients. Traditional past-life therapy is carried out in person, however, I also coach clients and give soul readings online.  To book an appointment, please email me at pastlifetherapy@gmail.com. 

'Til we meet again! 

Theresa Pugh, PhD

Soul Healing                                                                                              
Therapy for the Soul 
Theresa Pugh, PhD. Past-Life Therapist